To make a tax deductible donation make your check payable to the "Ohio Lions Eye Research Foundation" and mail to your District Trustee.  If you wish, your donation can be directed to a specific fund, cause, research fellowship(s), or disease.

Lions and Lions Clubs will submit their donations to their District Trustee.  Links to applicable forms are provided on this page.  Your District Trustee will provide you with any additional information for processing your donation.

Upon receipt you will receive a written thank you and acknowledgement of your donation. 

Planned Giving Declaration Form

Thank you for you intention to include Ohio Lions Eye Research (OLERF) (501c3) in your estate plan.  [Form]



The Foundation recognizes clubs and Lions for donations.


$25 - $499 -- Research Supporter Certificate/Thank You

$500-$999 -- Leadership Award plaque and lapel pin to club's designee

$1,000 - $2,499 -- Visionary Award plaque and lapel pin to club's designee

$2,500 AND UP -- Founders Award plaque and lapel pin to club's designee
[Form]  (updated)

$100 -- Knight for Sight certificate and pin tab to club's designee

$500 -- Bryan Fellow plaque and lapel pin to club's designee


Neiderhauser Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD) Fund [Form]

$500 -- Plaque and lapel pin to club's designee



Contact your OLERF District Trustee