This year marks 71 years since formation of the initial Ohio Lions Eye Research Committee and 66 years since obtaining 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status.  The Ohio Lions Eye Research Foundation (OLERF) has been committed to finding treatments and cures for blinding retinal diseases. With your support, we have been able to develop new breakthroughs and fund groundbreaking research that provides hope to those living with blinding retinal diseases through our grants and fellowships. However, there is still much more work to be done in the fight against blindness, and we cannot do it without you. Now is the time to renew/continue your dedication to ending blindness and vision loss here and around the world.

You can help OLERF find treatments and cures by continuing your commitment as a supporter to those affected by retinal diseases. Just look at what we have been able to accomplish together however, there is still more work to be done and we will not stop until we have eradicated blinding retinal diseases and restored vision across the world.

More than 10 million Americans - and millions more worldwide - live with blinding retinal diseases.  Your support brings hope for therapies, treatments, and cures. Each District in Ohio has an OLERF member. Contact them for more information or to donate.


February 15, 2023 OLERF Meeting

A meeting of OLERF was conducted as planned for 15 February 2023 at 7:00 PM.  The meeting was conducted using Zoom.


May 19, 2023 OLERF Organizational Trustee Meeting

OLERF conducted an Organizational OLERF Trustee meeting at the MD-13 State Convention.



May 19, 2023 Luncheon Meeting and Presentation

- Speaker:  Katelyn Swindle-Reilly, PhD - Topic:  Innovative Biomaterials Solutions to Preserve Vision - Presentation

Dr. Katelyn Swindle-Reilly had received the Lois Hagelberger-Huebner Young Investigator Award from the Ohio Lions Eye Research Foundation. The proposal was titled “Sustained Release Bevacizumab Injectable for the Treatment of Wet Age-Related Macular Degeneration." The award was for $107,000 per year for two years, September 15, 2017 to September 14, 2019.

The Luncheon was opened by OLERF Executive Director, PCC Lydia Houser



           Introductions by                                                                          Katelyn Swindle-Reilly, PhD

           OLERF Scientific Advisor - Dr. Deborah Grzybowski


May 20, 2023 OLERF Annual Membership Meeting

OLERF conducted the Annual Membership Meeting at the MD-13 State Convention.  Report

August 5, 2023  Allocation Meeting and First meeting of the new Lions year.

The Ohio Lions Eye Research (OLERF) held their first meeting of the Lions year, hosted the 2VDGs to a tour/briefing of the OLERF laboratory at The Ohio State University by OSU lab staff and took the 2VDGs to dinner.  Pictured is Colleen M. Cebulla, MD, PHD, setting up in the background and the OLERF Executive Director, PCC Lydia Houser, transitioning us into technical presentations by OSU Investigators and Researchers.  The picture to the right and below are examples of laboratory space used for research in the Ohio Lions Eye Research Foundation Laboratory.



More laboratory pictures from our 2023 visit:





November 5, 2023 OLERF Meeting


A meeting of OLERF was conducted as planned for 5 November 2023 at 11:00 AM at the MD-13 Lions State Office Building.

The Audit Committee performed their scheduled internal review of the Treasurer's records and found the records to be in order.  The Allocations for Research Grants were approved for a total of $357,000.

The next scheduled meetings of OLERF are 28 February 2024 at 7:00 PM online and 17 May 2024 at 9:30 AM with a follow-on Luncheon at 11:45 AM.


Download this file (2023 Annual Meeting Minutes to State_r.pdf)2023 Annual Meeting Minutes to State122 kB449 Downloads
Download this file (OLERF 051923.pdf)2023 Luncheon Presentation1475 kB545 Downloads